A wise person once said “everything must have a beginning”, and with that said, we are pleased and excited to be finally embracing the digital world.
How are you doing that we hear you ask?
We will now be keeping North Down homes and businesses up-to-date with all our products, services and offers via our new website and Facebook accounts, and of course; our blogs. Businesses do not rely on billboards and other forms of traditional marketing as much anymore. Now we can receive images and content on our tablets, laptops and mobile phones in an instant, from the comfort and safety of our own homes.
Over the last five decades, the words ‘Spence Carpets and Floors’, have left the mouths of countless business and home owners across the country. Now the second generation owner Roger Spence, is pushing business forward into the 21st Century, whilst still maintaining his father’s initial ethos – to provide high quality flooring at affordable prices.
When Roger was in school, he would work Saturdays for extra pocket money, sitting outside his father’s Southwell Road store with carpet samples. He sold his first piece of carpet at the age of eight, and as he grew older, both he and his friends would work school holidays for extra pocket money in any one of his father’s five store.
The reasons why the great general public still feel the need to buy flooring products has not really changed since back in the day; however times have changed, markets have changed and in some ways, so have many of our customer’s needs. The carpets and flooring we sell reflect these changes, as does our new approach to marketing them.
Now a generation later, Roger’s son and his friends sometimes help out in the Bangor store during holiday times, proving that not everything has changed.
So here’s to another five decades.